Exploring MIT: A Bilingual Journey in Chinese and English
玛格丽特·切尼室 Margaret Cheney Room
我觉得游客应该来这里参观,不光是因为它具有重要的历史意义,而且是麻省理工校园中一个非常独特和温馨的地方。埃伦·斯沃洛·理查兹是麻省理工学院的第一位女性学生,于1873 年毕业。1884年,她和埃德娜·道·切尼一起筹集资金,随后在麻省理工学院校园内设立了专属于女性的空间。这个空间以埃德娜·道·切尼女儿的名字命名,叫为玛格丽特·切尼。玛格丽特·切尼室的设立体现了学院对女性学生为麻省理工作出的重要贡献的认可。特别是在当时,STEM 领域的女性学生寥寥无几。
玛格丽特切尼室是麻省理工学院校园里我最喜欢的地方之一。我经常在课间来这里放松、和朋友聊天或者小睡一下。你可以看到学生们自由自在地聊天,听到他们爽朗的笑声。我特别喜欢那幅挂在钢琴后面墙上的海报,上面写着:“你对自己说话的方式很重要。” 它提醒我,内心对话的力量非常强大,因为它可以影响我们的内心世界,从而影响我们的外在行为和举动。我觉得玛格丽特切尼室体现了麻省理工学院的文化,那就是这里是一个重视个人思想和言论自由的地方。
The Margaret Cheney Room is located on the third floor of Building 3. It is one of the MIT’s hidden gems and a space for female MIT students to relax, study, meet, and even sleep. The room is a suite and has a kitchen, couches, puzzles, a piano, and even conference rooms.
Visitors should consider visiting this place because it not only has an important historic significance, but also showcases a unique and cozy place on the hectic MT campus. Ellen Swallow Richards, the first MIT woman student, graduated in 1873. In 1884, she and Ednah Dow Cheney raised funds to help establish a space for women on MIT’s campus. This space was named Margaret Cheney `82 after Ednah Dow Cheney’s daughter. The Margaret Cheney Room was founded to recognize the importance of women students to the institution, especially at the time, there were only a few of them in the STEM fields.
The Margaret Cheney Room is one of my favorite places on the MIT campus. I come here very often to relax between classes, talk to my friends or to take a nap. You can hear students laugh and chat freely. I especially like the poster hanging on the wall behind the piano. It reads, “The way you speak to yourself MATTERS.” It reminds me that an internal dialogue is incredibly powerful because it can influence our moods and emotions, and as a result, our behavior, and actions. I feel the Margaret Cheney Room embodies the culture of MIT, a place valuing the individual thought and freedom of speech.
麻省理工学院德国之家 German House
这是麻省理工学院的德国之家(German House),也是一个在New House的文化之家。New House 是一个麻省理工学院的学生宿舍。我喜欢这个地方,是因为它不仅是我居住的地方,也是我在麻省理工学院称之为家的地方。虽然不是每个人都会说德语,但我们都愿意学习这种语言!我们有几个来自德国学院的同学能说流利的德语,也有同学在高中或者麻省理工学院上过德语课。德国之家住着许多不同的人,他们都有不同的背景和文化。德国之家的一大优点是,社区很小,可以认识每个人,但空间却很大,在休息室里总会有人跟你一起出去玩。我们整个学期都会举办德国文化活动,比如慕尼黑啤酒节。我们对文化的共同兴趣将我们联系在了一起。有些人整个夏天都在德国工作,也有人 在IAP期间去德国留学。如果你想了解更多关于德国之家的信息,你们可以上这个网站 dh.mit.edu。
This is MIT German House. German House is a cultural house inside New House dorm. New house is located 471 Memorial Drive. German House is a small community that is centered around German culture. While not everyone in the house speaks German, we are all open to learn and have fun! I love this place because not only is it the place I live but it is where I call home here at MIT. I believe this place embodies the diversity of MIT. There are many different people who live in German House, all with different backgrounds and cultures. People here grew up speaking English, German, Chinese, Swahili, Korean and more. Several of us speak fluent German, and others have taken German classes in high school and MIT. We eat together, play music together, speak German with poor accents together, and fight through psets together. We have German cultural events throughout the semester like Oktoberfest which is a German Holiday. You can also get to know us more by visiting our website dh.mit.edu
4-260 音乐练习室 Music Practice Room Suite
There is a place in MIT campus that is very significant to me — the music practice rooms on the 2nd floor of building 4. You might ask, what is so special about a music practice room, especially one on the campus of a technical institute? But I believe that when you come here to practice or to hear your fellow classmates hard at work practicing, you will experience the true essence of MIT culture.
Many people think MIT students are nerds who are indifferent to the arts, but the truth is just theopposite. Many of my friends have studied music, dance or art and continue to pursue those hobbies here. We are members of the school music and dance organizations, and often go together to see the Boston Symphony, the Boston Ballet, the various art museums, musical theater productions, etc.
In the music practice rooms in 4-260, you can see our passion for music. When you enter 4-260 you will find 8 smaller practice rooms, each equipped with a small Steinway grand piano. Unless you come in the morning or late at night, it’s hard to find an empty room.
I often come practice for an hour or so at night after finishing my schoolwork at the library. I have studied piano and violin seriously since I was very young, so I can’t live without it and will continue to pursue it at MIT and after graduation. For me, practicing music is not only a form of stress relief, but also a way to pursue artistic excellence which has been very important to me all my life.
MIT students are hardworking in their academic pursuits, but we throw ourselves into our extracurricular passions in the same way. Whether it’s a amateur pianist learning their favorite song from a movie soundtrack, or a serious musician hard at work practicing, 4-260 is an important and special place for many of us, because we understand the importance of balancing our pursuit of science and our appreciation of art.
罗奇图书馆 Rotch Library
罗奇图书馆在麻省理工的七号大厅的二楼(7-238)。你来到二楼往上看,会看到五个小小的窄窄的楼层,每一层都堆满了书。你可能觉得这不过是一个安静的图书馆,有什么有趣的呢?尽管这个地方不经常见到游客前来拍照,但它却承载着麻省理工的建筑历史的重要意义。罗奇图书馆是在1938年建成的,之后于1988年到1991年期间被扩建了。这么小的空间,怎么能加更多的楼层呢? 麻省理工的建筑师想出了一个很聪明的办法:他们将楼层挂在屋顶横梁上,使得最底层建筑不需要地板横梁,从而拥有更多的空间。
The Rotch Library is on the second floor of MIT’s Lobby 7 (7-238). When you walk in and look up from the second floor, you will see five small and narrow floors, each lined with books. You might think this is just a quiet library and wonder what is so interesting about it. Although this location does not often have tourists come by and take pictures, it is significant to MIT’s architectural history. The Rotch Library was built in 1938 and expanded during the 1988-1991 years. But how did they add more floors to such a small space? The MIT architects came up with a very clever idea: they hung the floors from roof girders, so that the lowest building does not need floor beams and has more space.
I like reading here the most because there are glass windows everywhere, so I can enjoy natural light. Because the upper floors are very narrow, I can hide between the bookshelves and secretly watch people walking about in the building next to me. Everyone should come and see this library!
麦考密克宿舍顶楼 McCormick Hall Penthouse
在这个地方,你可以看到波士顿和查尔斯河的美丽风景。白天可以看到漂亮的云彩,晚上可以欣赏到月亮和星星。除了有一个阳台以外,这个地方也有一个厨房,一个音乐房, 和一个健身房。平常周一到周五,很多学生会来这里写作业或者准备考试。到了周末,很多学生用这个地方来庆祝朋友的生日,吃饭,聊天,以及打游戏来放松心情。我觉得这个地方可以展现出麻省理工学生的生活习惯:需要做功课的时候,我们会很认真的复习课文;但是可以玩的时候,我们会沉浸地看电影,跟同学聚会,或者打电子游戏。总之,对已住在McCormick的学生来说, 这是一个很特别,很有意义的地方。不过,唯一的缺点是只有住在McCormick的学生可以来到这里。
Though the McCormick penthouse can only be visited by current MIT students, it is still a very special place on campus. In my opinion, here you can find the best views of both Boston’s skyline and the Charles River. You can stand here to admire the clouds during the day and the stars and moon at night. Other than the outside patio section, the penthouse also includes a kitchen, a music room, and an empty exercise room. Normally from Monday to Friday, many students will use the penthouse to work on psets or study for exams. On the weekends, the space is used instead for birthday parties, meals with friends, movie watching, conversations, or gaming. I think the space is very representative of the mentality of many MIT students. When we need to work, we focus on what needs to be done; when we have a chance to relax, we focus on spending time with friends and having fun. Overall, for the students living in McCormick, the penthouse is a very special, very meaningful place. The only downside is that it cannot be accessed by visitors.
46号楼的“植物室” Building 46’s “Plant Room”
- 请从46号大楼外面的楼梯进入,然后乘电梯到6楼。
- 从电梯出来,往右转就到了阅读阳台。
46号大楼是麻省理工的脑与认知科学大楼。可能是因为46楼离主校区有一点远,所以没多少游客会去参观这个地方。但对很多学生们来说,46楼是MIT校园最美的地方之一,特别是六楼里的阅读阳台!阅读阳台一年四季都很美:首先,它的建筑用的是玻璃墙,所以连冬天的时候都还会有很多自然光;其次,阅读阳台的特色之一是它全年都有各种各样的花花草草,冬天也不例外!正因为如此,学生们也会亲切的称它为“植物室”!植物室窗外的风景也特别美丽,你能看到MIT著名的史塔特中心和它在设计上的精雕细刻,也能看到底下的车水马龙和忙忙碌碌的学生们。这种环境让植物室有一种很舒适的氛围,又安静又温馨。在室内,你常常能看到学生们在做作业,在睡觉,或者在跟朋友们聊天, 却看不到学生们平时的压力和紧绷感。要是你来参观麻省理工的话,一定要来46大楼的植物室打卡!
Location: MIT Building 46’s Reading Terrace
- Enter Building 46 through the Plaza stairs, then take the elevator up to the 6th floor.
- Turn right after stepping out of the elevator to reach the Reading Terrace.
Building 46 is MIT’s Brain and Cognitive Science building. Perhaps due to its distance from the main campus, not many tourists actually come to visit this location; To the students here, however, Building 46 is actually one of the prettiest spots on the MIT campus, especially the Reading Terrace on the 6th floor! The Reading Terrace is beautiful all year round; its architectural structure consists of ceiling-to-floor glass walls, meaning there is a ton of natural light, even in the gloomy winters. One of the Reading Terrace’s most unique features is the constant presence of all types of plants within it, regardless of the seasons or the weather outside. It is for this reason that the students also affectionately call this spot the “Plant Room”! Not only is the room itself beautiful, but the view from the Plant Room is also equally spectacular: through the massive windows, you can see MIT’s iconic Stata Center, as well as all its intricate architectural details that you may not be able to see from the ground. Looking down, you can see cars and busy students pass by, rushing to their next destinations, as small as ants to the naked eye. The vibe of the Plant Room is very comfortable, quiet, and calming, and this is even true on the weekdays, when it has the most student visitors. In the room, you will find students doing work, napping, or talking to friends; what you won’t find, however, is the usual feelings of stress weighing on students. If you have the chance to come tour MIT, make sure to visit the breathtaking Plant Room in Building 46!
I actually came across Building 46’s Plant Room by pure coincidence during my sophomore year. Since then, I have become a regular visitor, whether it is by myself to just enjoy the sunlight, or with friends to chat and work on assignments together. On days when I feel especially stressed, I like to lounge in the Plant Room: here, I can momentarily forget about my worries and just enjoy the beautiful scenery by myself. While my daily life at MIT is filled with hustle and bustle, in the Plant Room, I have found a rare sense of peace and calm! It is as if this room has some sort of healing ability that lets people slow down, live in the present, and stop to smell the flowers.
城市规划学院的空中休息室 Urban Planning Sky Lounge
在我上大二的时候, 我的专业是计算机与城市规划。大三的时侯,我又换回只学计算机专业了。所以,当我还是城市规划专业学生的时候,我经常会来到这个休息室。除了做功课以外,你也能碰见很多朋友和同学。我大二的时候,学校最受欢迎的图书馆也在修建中,所以复习和做功课的地方有些难找。这个休息室就是一个很好的可以学习的地方。
This is the Urban Planning Sky Lounge, located on the 6th floor of Building 9, where the Department of Urban Planning is housed. The elevator only goes to the 5th floor, and then you have to take the stairs up one flight to access the lounge.
Visitors should come to this place because it has a beautiful view of the rest of campus. The floor to ceiling walls allow you to look in all directions. Because it is not a well known spot, it is peaceful enough to do work in and just relax in between classes or meetings.
When I was still an urban planning major, I would visit this lounge often. Because it is a major specific lounge, you get to meet a lot of friends here. Sometimes, especially when Hayden was being renovated, it was hard to find open places to study on campus. Instead, this was a good place to work with a peaceful ambience.
Unfortunately, this lounge is only accessible by Urban Planning majors. You need to tap your ID in order to access it. However, its floor to ceiling windows on a high floor is unique.
Hayden 图书馆的庭院 Hayden Library Courtyard
Hayden 图书馆的庭院,在麻省理工学院的学生们心中是最受欢迎的一个地方。很多学生们去Hayden的时候会路过这个地方,可是没有专门走进庭院去看看。庭院里有很多小圆桌子和椅子,也有很多不同种类的树、草、和花,四周被麻省理工学院人文学院的大楼所环绕着。庭院不是特别大,天气好的时候人会比较多,可是如果降温了可能只会有几个人在外面坐着。
在麻省理工学院学习通常会充满压力,但在美丽的庭院里学习让大家感到很轻松。每当我因为考试或作业而感到压力很大时,我喜欢坐在院子里。 我特别喜欢看蓝天绿树,可以感觉风轻轻地吹在我的脸上,阳光温暖地照射在我的身上。有时我会一边吃三明治一边听音乐,或者做一些别的事。我坐在庭院中,经常想起生活就是要享受的。 无论我在学校有多忙,我总是想抽出时间慢慢呼吸并享受当下的时刻。
About the Courtyard:
Hayden Library Courtyard sits at the center of MIT’s most popular library. Many students pass by the Courtyard on their way to the library, but few will take the time to walk out into the Courtyard. The Courtyard is decked out with little circular tables and matching chairs, as well as trees, plants, and flowers. On the four sides of the courtyard are the MIT Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences buildings. Courtyard is not too large in size and on a nice day, more people can be found lounging around, but when the temperature drops, less people are found.
Why Students Love The Courtyard:
Studying at MIT is stressful, but studying at a beautiful spot like the Courtyard makes it a little more relaxing. Whenever I’m feeling stressed about exams or problem sets, I like to sit in the Courtyard. Staring at the blue skies and green foliage, I can feel the wind blowing gently and the warm sunshine radiating. Sometimes I’ll eat a sandwich while listening to music, and sometimes I’ll get some work done. As I sit in Hayden Courtyard, I’m often reminded that life is meant to be enjoyed. No matter how busy school gets, I always want to make the time to take a deep breath and savor the little moments.
Why Should You Visit?
Amidst MIT’s fast-faced, innovative culture, take some time to slow down and head to Hayden Courtyard, where you can experience the feeling of letting loose, just how MIT students do it.
麻省理工的创新空间 “Metropolis”
Student 1: 在6C楼的006号教室,我们可以找到麻省理工的创新空间 “Metropolis”。虽 Metropolis隐藏在地下室的迷宫里,不常被游客看到,但是Metropolis真的能体现麻省理工学生们的创造能力。Metropolis 有各种各样的工具、机器,像3D打印机、激光切割机、焊接机等等,这些都是给有创造性的麻省理工学生用的。不分昼夜,“Metropolis”内都有学生忙着制造书架、机器人、木雕、还有吉他。在这儿可以把你最疯狂的创意变成实物。我喜欢在Metropolis实现我自己的创意,我也是Metropolis的焊接导师之一。每个礼拜我都会教一节如何焊接的课,比如让别的学生用铁做个桌上玩具,因此,我可以把自己对制作的热爱和对教学的热爱结合起来。
In room 006 of the 6C building, you can find MIT’s Maker Space called “Metropolis.” Although Metropolis is hidden in the basement maze and is not often seen by visitors, it truly showcases the creative abilities of MIT students. Metropolis is equipped with a variety of tools and machines, such as 3D printers, laser cutters, welding machines, and more, all intended for the creative minds of MIT students to use. Around the clock, students in “Metropolis” are busy crafting bookshelves, robots, wood carvings, and even guitars. Here, you can turn your wildest ideas into tangible creations. I enjoy bringing my own ideas to life in Metropolis, and I am also one of the welding mentors in Metropolis. Every week, I teach a welding class, where I help other students create table toys using iron. This allows me to combine my passion for making things with my passion for teaching.
Student 2:
Metropolis是麻省理工大学里刚成立不久的创新空间。为了能让学生更好地参与设计、工程、和制作东西,麻省理工的教务长马丁·施密特创立一个叫Project Manus的组织。这个组织在2015年的年底开张了他们的第一个创新空间,Metropolis,来为学生创客提供一个更加开放的创作场地和其它的基本工具。从2015到现在这个空间的制度和场地经历了不少变化。为了能让更多的学生能接触到这个空间Project Manus采取了一种混合导师系统,这样学生导师们可以主办他们自己的开放时间,由此来促进Metropolis的营业时间。除了制度以外,如今Metropolis的场地也今非昔比。在这不到十年里,Project Manus为Metropolis 添加了各种各样的机器:三维打印,缝纫机,激光切割机,木工机械,和焊工机械等等。如今,凡是于麻省理工有关联的人士都可以在受过培训之后使用这个创新空间。
Metropolis is one of the two makerspaces managed by Project Manus – an organization that aims to enhance on-campus making and foster student-maker communities by providing students with spaces, equipment, training, and mentorship. These makerspaces are open to anyone affiliated with MIT including undergraduates, graduate students, visiting students, and even professors and so on. To get access to these spaces, all you have to do is attend one of the many orientations offered multiple times throughout the week.
Unlike many other makerspaces on campus, Metropolis does not specialize in any one type of making. The makershop contains all sorts of machines from sewing to laser cutting to woodworking to welding to glass working to … you get the idea – it has a little bit of everything! These machines are all free of charge and accessible to anyone affiliated with MIT, students can just show up to one of our open hours and use them for their hobbyist projects.
I think one of the biggest reasons why most tourists miss this amazing place during their visit is because of its rather hidden location. Metropolis is located at 6C-006B in the basement between Building 4 and Building 6. To get to it you would have to walk along the infinite in the basement tunnels and look out for a sign to turn right for Metropolis. The sign is very easy to miss and most people during their first visit often end up pacing up and down the tunnel multiple times before finally making the correct right turn.
麻省理工跳舞节奏游戏机 The MIT DDR Machine
在麻省理工学院一栋教学楼的地下室里,你可以看到学校里唯一的 DDR 机器。DDR(《Dance Dance Revolution》的简称)是一种跳舞节奏游戏机。在这台机器上, 你可以跟着音乐和脚底下的发光二极管灯来跳舞。如果你跟朋友一起来的话,你们也可以同时跳。这台机器是怎么来到校园的呢?与我有没有关系呢?下面我来慢慢跟大家讲讲这个故事。
在 2018 年的夏天,我是 MIT 的一个本科生,刚读完了大学二年级。那个夏天,我去了旧金山的一家软件公司Dropbox实习。到了之后,我发现 Dropbox 的地下室里竟然有一台 DDR 跳舞机器!Dropbox 的 DDR 机器是公司里的员工自己组装的,因为这种机器很难买到。
那个夏天,我在这个机器上跳了很多的舞,也通过玩游戏交到了很多新朋友。夏天结束后,我回到了 MIT 的校园。学期开始不久,有一天我和我的一个朋友 Robin 在聊天,谈到了我们的爱好,竟然发现了双方都很喜欢 DDR。当时,我们俩都对 MIT 的 DDR 资源不太满意。虽然 MIT 那时有一个小的跳舞节奏游戏组织,但是他们只有很便宜的电子毯子,比起真正的 DDR 机器或 Dropbox 制作的机器,这些毯子的感觉实在是太差了。
我和 Robin 谈这问题的过程中,我们在网上搜了一下,发现本来以为很难买到的 DDR 机器,实际上有一家新的公司也卖这种机器!了解到这些信息后,我们俩给学校 的 De Florez 幽默基金(一个慈善组织)写了一封信。在信里面,我们请求这个组织帮我们给 MIT 买一台 DDR 机器。没想到,他们过了几个星期,竟然同意了!用英文的一个词语来说: 剩下的就是历史。
如果你经过 MIT,想了解这儿的学生通过什么样的方式放松,或者你对音乐节奏游戏很感兴趣,那我强烈建议你参观一下我们的 DDR 机器!
If you’re ever around MIT and you want to check out a lesser-known attraction, I recommend you swing by the basement of Walker Memorial and check out MIT’s very own DDR machine.
For the uninitiated, DDR is short for Dance Dance Revolution, a type of rhythm game where you dance on a gamepad in time to music. Here’s a video of what it’s like to play at a very high level: Dont Bother Me
I was first introduced to DDR during IAP 2017 while I was an undergrad at MIT (IAP is MIT’s “Independent Activities Period”, where students get to do basically whatever they are most interested in during the month of January). Back then, a couple of MIT community members (namely Matt McCutchen and Katia Shtyrkova) would help run monthly DDR sessions out of the MIT Stata center. We would set up DDR mats like the one below, as well as a sturdier dance pad Matt had built himself, and play the whole afternoon, running custom software that Matt developed that allowed up to four people to play DDR at once.
Fast forward a year or so to the summer of 2018. I was interning at Dropbox, which was a hip thing to do at the time, since Dropbox had recently IPO’d and was founded by a couple of MIT alums. As fate would have it, Dropbox had a very nice DDR machine in their basement, which was actually custom built by some of the employees there (iirc, official arcade DDR machines were quite difficult to get at the time due to price / licensing issues).
I spent the summer spending a ton of my free time on this machine, and got a lot better at DDR while making a lot of new friends. Upon my return to MIT, I continued attending the community organized DDR sessions, and even stepped up and helped organize a few. However, after being spoiled by the nice machine at Dropbox, I felt dissatisfied with the foam pads (and even Matt’s custom pad) we used during the sessions.
Midway through the semester, I got to talking with my friend Robin, who also longed for a real DDR machine on campus. We discovered there was an entrepreneur online who was also frustrated at the difficulty of getting a real DDR machine, and so had taken it upon himself to create a high quality DDR cab that could be purchased by anyone. The only issue was that these new machines still cost around 6000 USD.
We brainstormed ways we could potentially raise the funds for a new DDR machine at MIT, and realized we may be able to ask the De Florez Humor Fund for money. After submitting a project proposal, a few back and forth emails, and help from an administrator who was a big DDR fan back when she was an undergrad, we were lucky enough to get funding! And the rest is history as they say. And as they also say, history tends to repeat itself, since apparently back in the 2000s, MIT had a real official DDR machine in the student center, which had a dedicated game room.
So if you are around MIT and want to see a resurrected piece of history, or if you are just a rhythm gaming fan, swing on by the basement of Walker Memorial and check what in my opinion is one of the coolest spots on campus.
香蕉休息室 Banana Lounge
地点:香蕉休息室在 26-100
Location: Banana Lounge in 26-100The reason we have this Banana Lounge is because students were complaining that there wasn’t much free food available on campus. In order to keep students happily attending classes, MIT created this Banana Lounge. Since then, many students have been coming to this lounge to have bananas.
As a student at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, I particularly enjoy the Banana Lounge. Whenever I’m heading to class and don’t have time for a meal, I go to this lounge to grab a banana to fill my stomach, and sometimes I have a chat with others there. Furthermore, the Banana Lounge also has a place where you can take a nap. If I’m feeling especially tired, I lay down on the couch in the Banana Lounge and take a nap. Therefore, the Banana Lounge is a must-visit place.
6-120的休息室 6-120 Lounge
Today, I’d like to share with you my favorite relaxation spot at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Although this lounge doesn’t have an official name, my friends and I refer to it as the “6-120 Lounge.” This lounge is located in front of Room 6-120, a physics classroom in Building 6 at MIT. While the physics classroom is quite spacious, this lounge is relatively small. When I was a freshman, I often came here to relax after my physics classes, and it was incredibly comfortable.
The 6-120 Lounge has only four chairs and two small tables, making it less suitable for doing homework but perfect for relaxation. This is because of its pleasant ambiance, and the chairs are quite spacious, allowing you to even lie down comfortably. I believe that visitors coming to MIT should take a look at this place. The room’s walls are brown, creating a cozy atmosphere. Moreover, there are many photos of renowned physicists and chemists hanging on the walls, adding a sense of history and representing MIT’s prestigious reputation in science and technology.
麻省理工最大的教室26-100 Largest Lecture Hall
麻省理工学院的26-100教室是校园里最大的教室,可以容纳近六百人。它的地点就在26号楼的著名香蕉休息室对面。上麻省理工的每一位学生都应该知道26-100教室,并且在这儿上过课。很多基础课,比如微积分学,编程,线性代数,生物学,化学,等等,都会在这个教室里上课。在这间教室上课时偶尔也会发生一些不可思议的事情。比如有一次在上微积分课时,一个装扮成大猩猩的学 生跑进了教室,并开始追着另一个装扮成香蕉的学生,然后在黑板上写了“原始的”,因为他们想用 这种特别的方式来宣传单天晚上的一个派对。大家可能不知道,麻省理工举办的派对其实在波士顿被称为最热闹的派对,所以有很多其他学校的学生也会来参加麻省理工的各种派对。因为 26-100是这儿最大的教室,很多学生社团与组织都喜欢来这里推广他们的活动,尤其是兄弟会和宿舍活动。26-100不仅仅是一个教室,它也是一个电影院和举办活动的地方。许多学生社团常常晚上会在这儿播放电影,作为让学生放松的一种方式。此外,很多重大的会议会在这儿举行。总之,我觉得来参观麻省理工的游客都应该去一次26-100教室,因为这里代表了很多学生的回忆和学习经验。
The largest lecture hall on MIT’s campus is 26-100 with a capacity of nearly 600 people. It is located directly across from the renowned Banana Lounge in Building 26. Every student who studies at MIT probably recognizes 26-100 and has most likely taken a class here. Many foundational courses, such as calculus, programming, linear algebra, biology, chemistry, etc. are taught in this lecture hall. When taking classes here, unimaginable events occasionally happen. For instance, once in calculus class, someone dressed as a gorilla entered the room and began screaming while chasing after someone dressed as a banana. The word “PRIMAL” was then written on the board as a way to advertise a party happening that night. A fun fact is that MIT is known as the university with the best parties in Boston, so students from other schools also come here to party. Because 26-100 is the largest lecture hall, many clubs and organizations like to advertise their events here, especially fraternity and dorm events. Besides being a lecture hall, 26-100 is also a movie theater and a place to host various events. Several clubs often host movie nights as a study break for students. Furthermore, many large meetings may be held here. In essence, I recommend any tourists that come to visit MIT to visit lecture hall 26-100 because this place holds memories of many students’ academic and non-academic experiences.
计算机理论小组 The Theory of Computation Group
这个理论厅也有一些特殊的传统。照片里的巨大玩具熊是这小组的吉祥物。它名叫Berik Demaine,以MIT的著名计算机学教授Erik Demaine命名。研究生无聊时,喜欢把它从这个房间扔到上面的6楼。这个活动被称为“Berik Demaine太空计划“。
The Theory of Computation group is in the 5th and 6th floors of the Gates building in the Stata center. The theory lounge (pictured) is on the 5th floor, and is the main common area of the group. On most days, you will find students doing homework here. Graduate students also often discuss research on the whiteboards in this room.
Many of the theory group’s events are also held here. Every Wednesday there is a “theory lunch,” where a graduate student presents his or her research to the group while everyone eats a catered lunch. Every Friday afternoon there is a “theory tea,” where everyone eats snacks and plays board games to relax at the end of a week. These events reflect the theory group’s collaboative and supportive culture, an aspect of MIT I appreciate a lot.
This lounge also has some unique traditions. The giant bear in the picture is the theory group’s mascot, named Berik Demaine after MIT’s famous computer science professor Erik Demaine. When graduate students are bored, they try to throw this bear from this lounge over the railing to the 6th floor above, an activity known as the “Berik Demaine Space Program.”
Hayden图书馆地下室 Hayden Library Basement
Welcome to the Hayden Library basement. The Hayden Library is located in MIT’s Building 14. To get to the library, tourists can walk to the end of the Infinite corridor and turn right or walk outside along the Charles river. Once you enter the library, go down the stairs at the right to get to the basement. In recent years, the library has been renovated into a modern space, so the first and second floors changed a lot. However, the basement remains in its original state. The basement stores a variety of books, from literary classics to textbooks to old research journals. There are many desks and sofas in between the bookcases, providing students a peaceful environment to study in. Nowadays, students rarely borrow books from the library and often download textbooks from the Internet instead. While MIT increasingly values the use of technology in education, the Hayden library basement still reminds us of the importance of print media. The books in this basement represent the collective knowledge of the school up to now and serve as the foundation for future development.
帆船亭 The Sailing Pavilion
我最喜欢享受帆船亭的风景,望着河对面波士顿的红砖建筑,看着河上写着“MIT” 的红帆轻轻摆动。
It’s a warm Sunday afternoon as I stand by the edge of the Charles River, feeling the gentle waves caressing the wooden floorboards beneath my feet. A fleet of red sails, like a flock of migrating birds, rush towards the Boston side of the river. The sailing coach’s fluffy dog lumbers towards me and I pat his head, as we watch the sun slowly tint the sky into autumnal hues as it sets below the horizon.
To an outsider, MIT is an intense, academic institution, but the school also provides unique opportunities for students to explore new hobbies and relax. The MIT Sailing Pavilion was built in 1935, and is known as the birthplace of college sailing. While there were a few private college sailing clubs, MIT’s Sailing Pavilion was the first to allow students who didn’t privately own boats to sail. Today, any MIT student can learn to sail at the Pavilion and receive a “sailing card,” which they can use to check out a sailboat and take their friends or family around the Charles.
Although I do enjoy sailing, one of my favorite things is just to sit on the dock and admire the brick buildings and patinated roofs that make up the charming Boston skyline.
麻省理工运动中心 Zesiger Center
如果你走过老的篮球场,你会看到一排玻璃上写着“MIT Athletics Academic Excellence”。NCAA 有 33 种不同的运动项目,其中最有名的奖项叫做“Elite 90”。在照片中,你会注意到一些奖杯的形状是“90”的。这是因为每年,NCAA 会举办九十个比赛,包括游泳、跑步、足球等各种项目,每个项目都会选取一名学生运动员来颁发这个奖项。
你应该来参观一下,因为MIT 获得这个奖项的数量在全国排名第二,仅次于斯坦福大学。这很有趣,因为我们都知道斯坦福在学术和体育方面都非常出名。然而,很少有人知道麻省理工学院的体育运动也非常厉害。
我练习游泳十几年了,现在是MIT 游泳队的队员。这让我有机会既能与最聪明的人上课,又能与最快的游泳选手竞争。作为一名MIT的学生运动员,这是一段非常有趣的经历。在照片中,右后角的奖杯就是我获得的。
我希望你能来MIT 的 Zesiger Center 参观一下,更多了解MIT 学生运动员的生活。
Very few people know this about MIT, but a relatively strong proportion of the student body participates in varsity athletics. While many correlate MIT with breakthrough research and technological innovations, the student-athletes at MIT have embodied an entirely new world of achievements.
If you trek further into the Zesiger Center towards the old basketball courts, you notice an array of glass trophies labeled “MIT Athletics Academic Excellence.” Across all 33 varsity sports under the NCAA organization, one of the pinnacle awards is the Elite 90 award. As you can see in the photograph, a few of the older versions of the awards are in the shape of a “90.” 90 represents the number of annual national sports competitions. For each competition such as swimming, track and field, and football, one athlete is selected for not only his or her athletic achievements but also his or her academic profile.
Visitors should come here because MIT ranks second in the most number of Elite 90 recipients at 21 as Stanford is the only school with more at 28. It’s interesting because Stanford is well-known for both academics and athletics, while MIT isn’t. It may be a surprise for you as well, but given how nice MIT’s athletic facilities are, it shows how much of an investment goes into the student-athletes.
Personally, I enjoy swimming on MIT’s varsity swim team as I have been swimming competitively for over 10 years. Taking classes with the smartest scientists and racing the fastest swimmers as an MIT student-athlete has been a very enjoyable experience. In fact, the
trophy in the far back right corner belongs to me 🙂. I hope you take a trip to the Zesiger Center to learn a little more about the world of
student-athletes at MIT.
麻省理工的隧道 MIT’S Tunnels
在66号楼的地下隧道里,有一条走廊。那里有长长的坡道,墙上画有很多壁画。虽然这可能看起来像是一个美术馆,但是对学生来说这条走廊有另外一个作用:“chairing”。 “Chairing” 是麻省理工的一个传统。你坐在有轮子的椅子上,然后一个人会从坡道上端把你推下去。坐在椅子上往下滑就像去游乐园一样。如果你快撞到墙了,你就得用你的脚蹬着墙调整方向。有些人喜欢面对着斜坡冲下去,但如果你想要更大的快感,更刺激就背对着斜坡冲下去。我觉得如果你没做过 ”chairing”, 那就不能说你是麻省理工的学生。
麻省理工的隧道也有很多makerspaces。如果走去26号楼下面,你能找到Huang-Hobbs BioMakerspace。在那儿,你可以做你自己的生物学项目,还可以做化学工程和生物工程的实验。在另外一个楼下,有一个吹玻璃实验室。如果那里在上课,你可以看到学生在做很美丽的玻璃。隧道还有一个玩具实验室,很多打印机,等等。你多多探索隧道,就能发现越来越多的好玩儿的东西。
Beneath the buildings of MIT, there are a series of underground tunnels connecting nearly every place on main campus. In the face of rain, snow, hail, or other bad weathers, the tunnels are the place to go. But, it’s not just a convenient place for traveling. There is much hidden within the tunnels…
At a particular hallway, beneath building 66, there is a long ramp surrounded by murals. While this may seem like an art gallery, many students use them for another purpose: “chairing.” “Chairing” is an MIT tradition where you ride a rolling chair/office chair down the ramp, like a ride at an amusement
park. To prevent yourself from crashing, you use your feet to kick off the wall anytime you are near it. Some people go down the ramp facing forwards, and some people go down backwards for a bigger thrill! You cannot call yourself an MIT student if you haven’t gone “chairing” before.
At a parking lot by Stata, there is a pile of discarded technology from MIT. While there is a lot of junk here, sometimes you might find something useful! For example, functional computer monitors, or even a new projector for your dorm room.
The tunnels are also home to many makerspaces. If you walk underneath building 26, you can find the Huang-Hobbs Biology makerspace. Here, you can make your own biology projects, and do chemical and biological engineering. Underneath another building, there is also a glass-blowing lab, where you can watch students make beautiful glass art pieces. There is also a toy lab, a bunch of printers, and much more things you can find if you explore.
All in all, the tunnels are a really fun place to go – but make sure you don’t get lost!
New Vassar 庭院 New Vassar Courtyard
我们想介绍的地方是New Vassar宿舍的庭院。New Vassar 是麻省理工学院里的一个本科生宿舍。是在二零二一年建成的。可是,如果你没有门卡,就没办法进去。需要住在New Vassar里的学生才能带你进去。New Vassar 在 Vassar 街 一八九号。里面有很多新的设施,包括一个很漂亮的庭院。这个庭院就在前门的旁边,走过前门肯定会看得到。庭院里有草皮有灯,也有桌子和长凳。在这里做功课很舒服。如果你是游客,你应该去这里看看, 因为可以体验麻省理工学生真正的日常生活。在麻省理工学院的两年里,我们在庭院里度过了很多时光。这是一个享受阳光和放松的好地方。当外面不冷也不下雨的时候,我们会坐在庭院的长凳上做作业或者聊天。我们还在那里玩了很多游戏,比如说钉球。因为New Vassar是学生宿舍,很多游客不会到这里来参观,可是对我们学生来说,宿舍就是很特别的地方。
The location we want to talk about is the New Vassar dormitory’s courtyard. New Vassar is an MIT undergraduate dorm that was built in 2021. New Vassar is located on 189 Vassar Street. Inside, there are lots of new facilities, including a beautiful courtyard. If you walk by New Vassar’s front door, you will definitely be able to see the courtyard. However, if you don’t have an ID card, you cannot enter. You need to know a student that lives at New Vassar to enter. The courtyard has grass and lights. It also has tables and benches. It is very nice to do homework here. Visitors should come here because they can experience the daily lives of MIT students. In our last two years at MIT, we have done a lot of stuff in the courtyard. This is a good place to relax and get some sunlight. If it is not too cold or raining outside, we will sit on the courtyard bench to do homework or talk. We also have played lots of games there, like spikeball for example. Not a lot of tourists come here, but to us, it is a very special place.
中餐车 Chinese Food Truck
Behind Building 46 (the Brain and Cognitive Sciences Building) at MIT, there’s a small Chinese food truck. While small on the outside, its reputation on campus is large. Every day around lunch time, up to thirty some students, both undergraduate and graduate students, can be seen lining up to buy lunch. Just two people, a woman and a man, run the food truck.
Why is this food truck so famous? One reason is their price. Each dish costs no more than ten dollars and includes white rice and vegetables. There are also many choices of dishes: they sell Chongqing Spicy Chicken, Braised Pork Ribs, Mapo Tofu, Tomato Scrambled Eggs, etc. No matter your taste, they’re bound to have something you’ll enjoy. I myself buy lunch from the food truck two to three times a week, and the dishes I order most often are their ginger-scallion chicken and twice-cooked pork, both of which are very tasty.
I think this food truck is a very fitting symbol of MIT culture. Through this food truck, Chinese American students and Chinese international students can enjoy the taste of home at the college. This small piece of Chinese culture is an apt representation of the diversity and multiculturalism of the MIT student body.
Stata Center的装卸站 Stata Loading Dock
在Stata的装卸点,可以找到各种各样的旧的电子设备,比方说旧计算机,显示器,键盘, 电脑鼠标 ,等等。有些是可以拿走的,但是得要小心,千万不要拿不允许拿走的东西。
The Stata Loading Dock is located in the basement of the Stata center, near a parking garage. To get to the loading dock, you can walk down the entrance of the parking garage and turn right. If you don’t want to use this entrance, you can also get there through the tunnels underneath Stata.
At the Stata Loading Dock, you can find various old electronic devices, such as computers, monitors, keyboard, and mice. Some of these are free for you to take away, but be careful not to take anything that you’re not allowed to take (from the restricted areas).I like to come here to find electronics that I can use, such as cables and monitors. Since you can find old computers here, some people also like to take them and reuse the parts. Because of this, I like to think that Stata’s loading dock embodies the culture of creativity at MIT, because people will create new things from old things found here.
麻省理工的莱特兄弟风洞 (MIT Wright Brothers Wind Tunnel)
地点/(Location): 麻省理工的17号楼 (MIT Building 17), 76 Vassar St, Cambridge, MA 02139
风洞已经使用了一个多世纪。甚至莱特兄弟也使用这个风洞来测试他们研发的机翼。自1938 年建成并专门给莱特兄弟使用以来,这个风洞参与了各种有趣的项目。第二次世界大战时,风洞被美国政府接管,用于绝密飞机的研发。除了航空航天研究以外,它还被用来测试滑雪和自行车设备、分析城市景观,甚至被用于在纪录片中展示 1.3 亿年前的四翼恐龙如何飞行。在用了80年后,风洞的建筑物和设备都开始烂了,所以,风洞于2017年被拆除并重建。2021年竣工的新风洞是美国学术界最先进的风洞。它象征着麻省理工学院已经做过的以及及将要做的所有令人惊奇的事情。与麻省理工学院是学术界的尖端和前沿一样,这条风洞隧道也是一个尖端设施。我很高兴在空气动力学课上有机会参观并使用它。在我看来,它代表了麻省理工学院的精神和精髓,以及它为学术界和社会的贡献。
Wind tunnels have been in operation for more than a century. Even the Wright brothers tested their wings in a wind tunnel. The tunnel has been involved in a variety of intriguing initiatives since its completion and dedication to the Wright brothers in 1938. During WWII, the US government commandeered the tunnel for top-secret aircraft research and development. It has also been used to assess ski and bike equipment, study cityscapes, and even show how a 130-million-year-old four-winged dinosaur would have flown for a documentary film. The wind tunnel, however, was demolished and rebuilt in 2017 after serving for 80 years. The new wind tunnel, which was completed in 2021, is the most advanced in US academia. The wind tunnel represents all of the incredible things that the MIT community has already accomplished and things it will go on to accomplish. The tunnel, like MIT, is a cutting-edge facility that I got the opportunity to tour and work with during my Aerodynamics class. It, in my opinion, represents the best of what MIT has to offer.
Koch Institute 美术馆 Koch Institute’s Image Gallery
我想跟大家分享的是Koch Institute 的美术馆。Koch Institute 是麻省理工生物系的研究大楼,也叫做麻省理工76号楼, 位于Vassar 和Main Street 的交叉路口。这里研究的主题大部分都是跟癌症和免疫有关的。你一进入Koch Institute就可以看到各种各样放大的显微镜照片挂在大门旁的走廊上。这些就是 Koch 的美术馆了。
我觉得游客应该去看Koch的美术馆。因为在这个地方不但可以看到很美的照片, 而且也可以多了解麻省理工的科学家在研究什么。我特别喜欢这个地方,因为我的朋友在这个大楼工作,所以我每次跟他聊天的时候都可以一边说话一边欣赏这个走廊里的照片。
I would like to share with everyone the Koch Institute’s image gallery. The Koch Institute is one of the MIT Biology Department’s research buildings. The building number is 76, and the location is at the intersection of Vassar and Main Street. Primarily, the labs in this building do research on cancer and immunology. As soon as you enter the Koch Institute, in the hallway right besides the entrance, you can see all sorts of enlarged microscope images. This is Koch’s image gallery.
Every year, the biology department holds a competition. Each student can submit one picture or microscope image of their work to the competition. For example, if you work on cells, you can submit fluorescent microscope images of your cells. These types of images are usually very pretty, with lots of different colors and shapes to look at. If your image wins, it gets displayed for that year in the Koch image gallery.
I think tourists should visit the Koch image gallery because from here they can not only see some beautiful pictures, but also can see what kind of research is being done at the institute. I especially like this place because one of my friends works in this building and whenever we hang out I can both talk to him and look at the images at the same time.
旋转艺术俱乐部 MIT’s “Spinning Arts Club”
麻省理工的“旋转艺术俱乐部”是我们学校很独特的一个学生组织。他们每年有两个大型表演:十一月份的“Novemburn”和四月份的CPW。这两场表演都在Stata的露天剧场里。他们最有特色的地方就是会在表演中用到火,没有一次不精彩的。从他们的表演里能看出麻省理工学生对自我表达、创造力,和准确性的追求。学生的表演结合了中国武术和西方的舞蹈,用的是中国的武器比如说流星錘、绳镖、扇子和棍。在旋转艺术俱乐部里,学生一方面可以了解新的艺术形式,另一方面也可以运动和放松。有时 候,老生也会来每个星期举办的练习课程中教学生。如果无法亲自来到校园看他们的表演,可以在网上查看他们过去录下来的表演。
MIT’s “Spinning Arts Club” is a unique student organization. Their two largest shows of the year, “Novemburn” and the CPW fire show, use fire, and so are held in the Stata Amphitheatre. Their daring performances display the pursuit of creativity, expression, and skill in every aspect of student life and combine elements of western dance with Chinese weapons, such as rope dart, meteor hammer (puppyhammer), fans, and staff. Through practicing, students can learn a new skill while relaxing by exercising with friends. Sometimes, alumni will attend meetings to teach new students. If you are unable to view their performances live, you can find them on Youtube.
66号楼201室/66-201: A Multipurpose Room
This is Room 201 in Building 66. Because it is located pretty far from most dorms, it’s not a very well-known place. However, it is very close to the classes and labs for my major, Chemical Engineering, so I like to study and relax there. Because most people prefer to study in the library or other places, it’s usually not crowded and noisy like more popular places at MIT. There are a lot of tables and chairs, so it’s easy to find a place to study or to take a nap in the middle of the day. There’s also a fridge, water dispenser, a microwave, and a toaster, so people can bring their lunch and eat it without having to go to a dining hall. My favorite thing about this space is that there are a lot of windows, so it’s always bright and I can see outside. Because it’s a fairly large room, it’s also a good place to have meetings or events with a lot of people. The Chemical Engineering Department has a lot of meetings here, and there are often events with free lunch or other fun activities.
Edgerton 中心 Edgerton Center
Edgerton 中心是麻省理工學院可以製作東西的空間。所有學生都能進入。我常去的地點在4-409, 在四號樓的第四樓。那裡空間很大,有很多桌子和一個大的白板,學生可以在上面做專案工作。
Edgerton 的特色之一是它不但有加工工具,而且有很多不同的免費材料,別的地方平常都要錢的。在當麻省理工學院學生的過程中, 如果你是工程專業, 你確實會遇到制造東西的需要。這個中心就為學生提供了很多方便。我特別喜歡這個地方因為它任何時間都開放,隨時都能利用。
另外, Edgerton 的學習環境特別好。 常常會有很聰明而且很有經驗的學生在那學習,遇到了困難他們都會幫助你。 我覺得它也能特別好地體現麻省理工學院的教育精神。
The Edgerton Center is a set of makerspaces that all students can gain access to. The one that I often go to is located in room 4-409 on the fourth floor of building 4, past the architecture workshops. It houses a large space with many tables and a large whiteboard for students to work on their projects on.
What sets Edgerton apart is that it stores all kinds of stock materials like wood, acrylic, foam, pipes, as well as things like electronic parts, assembly parts, and more esoteric things like glass shards and earring kits that students can use for free. Edgerton also has standard machining and hand tools such as drill presses, bandsaw, laser cutter, vinyl cutter, and even a fused glass furnace! I like coming to Edgerton because of its reliability and the amount of resources it has; whenever I need a random common part, I think of checking Edgerton first.
Apart from its material resources, Edgerton also has many educators and knowledgeable students that frequent the space who can give advice and help you on your projects. I have also come here just to hang out or work on classes before. Since it’s always accessible, I can also rely on it late at night when I need to finish an assignment.
The Edgerton center was founded with the purpose of providing students the opportunity to learn by doing as part of the student maker culture on MIT’s campus.
学生中心五楼 Student Center 5th Floor
Stratton Student Center的五楼,亲切地被称为Stud-5,位于校园的西边。这座建筑在游客中非常有名,但五楼只供学生使用。五楼分为两个区域,一个是嘈杂的区域,另一个是安静的区域。两部分都是24-7开放。只有学生可以进入,但意外被锁在门外的情况很常见,因此学生通常会帮助其他人进入。对于考虑来麻省理工学院上学的游客来说,这是一个不错的地方。这个地方提供了一个独特的视角,让人可以看到大多数学生是如何合作学习并且自我激励的,尤其是在深夜,人们能更好地感受到学生们的勤奋。即使在周五和周六,Stud-5也允许学生工作、学习,甚至在课间小睡,尤其是在期末考试期间。对我来说,当我知道有很多工作要做,需要集中注意力时,我会去Stud-5的安静区域。当压力很大的时候,我也总是去那里,因为那里的氛围会让我非常专注。除此以外,我和我的朋友们在这里建立了很好的关系,共同面对我们学习上的问题和挑战。
The fifth floor of the Stratton Student Center, affectionately known as Stud-5, is located on the west portion of campus. The building is very well-known to visitors, but the fifth floor is a spot just for students to work all year. The floor is split in half: one half is the loud side and the other is the quiet side. Both sides are open 24-7 and have tap access doors so only students can access them, but it’s pretty common to accidentally get locked out so students will let in anyone at the door. Stud-5, especially the quiet side, is a great spot for visitors contemplating going to school at MIT.
It’s an excellent view of how simultaneously collaborative and self-motivated most people are, and the later it gets, the more one can appreciate how hard-working the students are. Even on Fridays and Saturdays, Stud-5 will always have students working, studying, even taking naps in between classes, especially during finals.
For me, the quiet side of Stud-5 is the spot I go to when I know I have a lot of work to get done and cannot afford to be distracted. When I feel the most stressed, I always gravitate towards Stud-5 because the atmosphere is so focused. Stud-5 has booths, outlets, couches, whiteboards, everything you could need. Despite the aura of stress in Stud-5, I find it to be a fun environment where my friends and I bond over how much work we have and work on problems together.
如果你喜欢科学展览,那么你一定会喜欢BUILDING 4的《HAROLD E. EDGERTON STROBE ALLEY》。走到HAYDEN图书馆后,你会看到一个基因雕像。通过那附近的楼梯到第四楼再左拐,你就会看到一个小走廊。那个走廊就像一个小型博物馆,里面有很多古老的发明。我认为最有趣的是他们的频闪灯展览。在展览上,你可以使用所有的按钮和转盘来自己控制频闪灯的速度、颜色和亮度。在你启动这个装置之前,先设想一下每个按钮的功能。我猜它们的作用可能不会像你想象的那样。我第一次看到这个展览的时候感到非常惊讶。
If you enjoy science exhibits, you’ll enjoy this little known part of the MIT campus, called the “Harold R. Edgerton Strobe Alley”. Near the Hayden Library is a DNA sculpture. Take the staircase closest to it and go up to the fourth floor and take a left. You’ll see a collection of
exhibits, photography, and interactive displays all based on strobe lights. There are a handful of interactive displays but my favorite is the one that has dials and buttons that change the frequency, color, and brightness of the strobe light. I was amazed the first time I saw this display. Edgerton was a pioneer in using strobe lights to capture almost impossible images such as the moment a bullet exits a banana. All of this and more are on display in this small alley. A mini science museum on a random hallway in the middle of campus, exactly what I would expect from MIT’s culture.
泡泡球池 Bubble Ball Pool
这是麻省理工Simmons宿舍的泡泡球池,位于Vassar Street 的尾部。 Simmons宿舍楼有特别多窗户,这个泡泡球池就占了六个窗户之多。也给你一个机会感受麻省理工大学生们爱玩的内心。这个泡泡球池的占地面积不算小,应该可以塞进八九个人没问题。里面的球也很充足,就算是九个人同时打球战也不会 缺少“子弹”。
This is the bubble ball pool at the Simmons dormitory of MIT, located at the end of Vassar Street. The Simmons dormitory has a lot of windows, and this bubble ball pool occupies as many as six windows, giving you a chance to experience the playful spirit of MIT students. The bubble ball pool is not small in size and can easily accommodate eight to nine people. There are plenty of balls inside, so even in a nine-player battle, there won’t be a shortage of “bullets.”
However, the Simmons dormitory is a private residence hall, and only students living in this building have access cards. If visitors want to visit, they will need an MIT student to accompany them. They can then proceed down the corridor on the ground floor, and the bubble ball pool is on the left.
I particularly love this place because when I lie in the ball pool, it feels like I’m submerged in balls. My senses start to relax, my mind empties, and all worries disappear.